Mad is an American animated sketch comedy series created by Kevin Shinick and produced by Warner Bros. Animation. Based upon the magazine of the same name, each episode is a collec
- Tags:
- Animation, Comedy
Mad is an American animated sketch comedy series created by Kevin Shinick and produced by Warner Bros. Animation. Based upon the magazine of the same name, each episode is a collec |
Animation, Comedy |
Spoken languages
English |
Ended |
Seasons | Episodes | Rate | Release Date | |
Season 1 | 26 | 0 | 2010-09-06 | |
Season 2 | 26 | 0 | 2011-08-22 | |
Season 3 | 46 | 8 | 2012-05-28 | |
Season 4 | 25 | 10 | 2013-04-01 |
Reviews For MAD
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